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Sakura School Simulator is a very fun and dynamic game, but it often feels like something is missing. As a result, many players have released their own add-ons to enrich and make the game more interesting.

So, if you want to play something else, ask and search the internet for the right add-ons for this exciting product. Follow the instructions and make the changes.

If you know how to do it and have the inclination, you can also modify it to make a more varied and interesting game. This allows players to have more fun playing the game. You can also be the kind of person who can take into account comments that you haven’t considered before.

There are also cheat modes that make the game easier to play. Yes, it’s not fair, but if you don’t like to save a lot of money on purchases, you can use these cheats. But use them wisely, because you might lose interest in this great product and stop using it.

This way, you can make the most of your time and save money. The same goes for statistics and relationships with other characters. If you don’t want to go through all this trouble, this is a useful option.

If you want to diversify things a bit, you can use mods. But don’t overdo it, because you might spoil the original concept and flow of the game. Therefore, you should pay attention to balance.